Regular checkups are of paramount importance for identifying breast cancer early enough and ensuring a successful treatment.

According to the American Cancer Society, early detection is one of the biggest reasons for the decline of the breast cancer mortality rate that has been experienced over the past few years. The society recommends annual screening for women aged 45 and older who don’t have a high breast cancer risk (for example, stemming from family history).

Screening is so important because early breast cancer is asymptomatic. Many women don’t even get a lump, which is why the diagnosis can be surprising for them.

Advanced breast cancer detection in South Florida is available and you have to get in the habit of checking for the treacherous malignancy on an annual basis. Here’s everything you need to know about the diagnostic process.

Diagnostic Tools

Physicians who offer women advanced breast cancer detection in South Florida rely on multiple approaches to assess the health of their patients.

A few of the most commonly utilized diagnostic tools include the following:

•    Breast ultrasounds: a non-invasive method of looking at the breast tissue that’s particularly suitable for women who haven’t given birth and who haven’t breastfed a child
•    Digital mammography: the procedure is most suitable for women who have a history of breast disease or who have a certain kind of anomaly within the breast tissue
•    PET mammography: the high-resolution PET technology can give the technician a lot of information about small abnormalities and early-onset cancer
•    3D mammograms: as the name suggests, this is a breakthrough technology that enables the three-dimensional scanning of the breast tissue for a more thorough diagnostic process
•    MRI: this is the imaging technology that physicians will rely on whenever unexpected challenges stand in the way of standard imaging methods
•    BRCA testing: the genetic test is used to identify gene mutations that could potentially increase the breast cancer development risk for certain women

The Procedure that is Right for You!

The selection of the right diagnostic tool will depend on the experience and the treatment approach of the surgeon that you decide to work with.

If you want access to the latest breast cancer detection options and you’re looking forward to a personalized approach, please don’t hesitate to visit Dr. John Rimmer’s practice. Dr. Rimmer is a pioneer in various diagnostic and treatment practices and he believes in open and honest communication with patients. Call 561-748-1242 today to schedule your first appointment.