Cancer is a six-letter word that deserves to be put on the shelf and retired. The driving force behind advanced breast cancer treatments is in response to statistics showing how formidable it continues to be. Once it starts, it grows at its own pace and spreads in an independent fashion. Women in and around the area of Jupiter, Florida benefit from the expertise of Dr. John Rimmer in the fight to win the war against cancer.

A great deal of information about treatment is presented once you or someone close to you is diagnosed with cancer. An entire team of professionals will discuss surgery options and what’s involved in each process to help you make a decision that is right for you. Dr. Rimmer may explain the purpose of a laparoscope, a thin fiber-optic instrument with an attached camera and lens.

IORT is an example of recent developments in advanced breast cancer treatments. An acronym for intraoperative radiation therapy, the process introduces the total amount of radiation directly after surgery. This kinder, gentler method of treatment is available for many lumpectomies.

If you’ve received questionable mammogram results or have a family history of breast cancer, be proactive in your healthcare. Advanced breast cancer treatments such as IORT are available in Jupiter. Schedule an appointment by calling Dr. Rimmer's office today at 561-748-1242.