Whether you’ve never been diagnosed with breast cancer and just want to increase your chances of early detection, were recently been diagnosed, or are in the process of treatment and follow up care, you understand that breast cancer and testing go hand in hand. John A.P. Rimmer MD specializes in diseases of the breast and utilizes state of the art technologies that include advanced breast cancer detection with ultrasound in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Ultrasound detection is a procedure used to figure out if a lump is a cyst (fluid filled) or a solid mass that has the potential of being cancer. If the lump is determined to be a cyst, the next step is typically to withdraw it fluid through a process called "aspiration" which means withdrawing the fluid. If the fluid that is removed is clear and the mass disappears, then there's no need for further treatment.

Advanced breast cancer detection with ultrasound in Palm Beach Gardens can also be used to pinpoint the location of a known tumor to help guide the doctor during an aspiration and/or biopsy procedure. Using ultrasound can also help verify the correct needle placement.

Being diagnosed with breast cancer is a scary experience, however thanks to today's innovative medical technologies; survival rates are high with early detection. With that in mind, it's important that you get the best possible treatment by choosing the right doctor, preferably who specializes in diseases of the breast. If you live in the Palm Beach Garden's area, that doctor is John A.P. Rimmer, MD. The doctor has built his highly recognized reputation around his many years of advanced diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer and surgical expertise.

If you're in need of a highly skilled general surgeon that specializes in breast cancer treatments that include advanced breast cancer detection with ultrasound in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, call (561) 748-1242 today and schedule a consultation with Dr. Rimmer, known for his advanced, highly skilled treatments and communicative skills.