John A.P. Rimmer, M.D. specializes in breast cancer treatments and provides technologically advanced mammograms in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Dr. Rimmer always keeps up to speed with the latest breakthrough breast cancer technologies that include digital and 3D mammograms, breast MRI's, BRCA assessment as well as all of the most up to date, minimally invasive, diagnostic strategies.

Digital Mammography

Digital mammography is generally used for women who have a history of breast cancer or who are experiencing new symptoms. Radiologist’s also perform digital mammograms to check for abnormalities they may have noticed on a previous screening mammogram, meticulously taking more images in order to comprehensively study the breast’s condition. In most cases, the images are magnified to exhibit even the smallest, questionable looking sections of the breast tissue, making them easier to examine.

3D Digital Mammography

Dr. Rimmer also provides Selenia® Dimensions® 3D digital mammography, technologically advanced mammograms in Palm Beach Gardens that provide the highest level of comprehensive breast imaging available; today 3D digital mammography has revolutionized breast cancer detection.

Breast MRI's

These state of the art MRI's take breast imaging to an entirely new level, presenting a highly effective solution to more complicated, diagnostic issues and making it far easier to discover breast tumors that previous exams were unable to detect. In most instances Breast MRI's are conducted when the breast cancer specialist requires additional details beyond what a mammogram, clinical breast exam, or ultrasound can provide. In many cases, a Breast MRI may be utilized for breast cancer screening if the patient is at high risk. Breast MRI's are just one of many examples of the technologically advanced mammograms in Palm Beach Gardens that Dr. Rimmer takes advantage of when it comes to screening his patients for breast cancer.

BRCA 1 and 2 Analysis

BRCA analysis detects mutations in the BRCA 1 and BRCA genes. While the analysis doesn't reveal breast cancer, detecting the mutations which are the cause of the vast majority of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, they can help diagnose any risks before they become significant, complicated problems.

Call 561.748.1242 today to find out more Dr. Rimmer's technologically advanced mammograms in Palm Beach Gardens, or to schedule a consultation with one of Florida's most respected and highly qualified breast cancer specialists.