Dr. Rimmer's practice specializes in breast health care and is known for his gentle breast exams in the Boca Raton, Florida area. It's important to the doctor and his staff that women understand that there have been many advancements in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the breast. While it is true that breast cancer is one of the most common malignancies, it has gotten to the point that it can be successfully treated with early detection and/or innovative procedures. Today the advances in treatment have been outstanding, and the options for early detection have increased survival rates to over 95% providing positive outlooks and long, healthy futures. Dr. Rimmer is proud to be part of this extraordinary journey.

Early detection is by far the most powerful strategy when it comes to fighting breast cancer and the sooner the cancer is detected, the more choices women have for treatment and the better her chances are for survival. Early detection includes:

Self Exams

Dr. Rimmer's staff teach their patients how to perform self exams which the patient should perform regularly.

Physician Exams

Early detection office exams included gentle breast exams in the Boca Raton, Florida area, mammography, ultrasound and other state of the art diagnostic screening and treatment options.

Accurate Diagnosis

The preliminary detection of a lump or abnormality is the starting point of the diagnostic process. Frequently a lump is non-cancerous (benign) and if so, the patient just keeps up with regularly performing self exams, having mammograms and checkups. If cancer is present, the patient will be presented with available treatment options. Dr. Rimmer has access to a vast array of both non-invasive and invasive treatment options that accurately pinpoint his patient's specific situation.

When it comes to gentle breast exams in the Boca Raton, Florida area and state of the art breast health treatment, Dr. Rimmer has maintained a leadership role in fulfilling the needs of his patients who benefit from the doctor's respected and innovative expertise in the education, diagnosis and treatment of all breast health care concerns. Call (561) 748-1242 today and make an appointment to meet with Dr. Rimmer, the top rated general surgeon in the Boca Raton area.