If you're looking for a highly skilled, compassionate, top rated mastectomy specialist near Boca Raton, Florida, contact John A.P. Rimmer, M.D. The doctor and his staff are passionate about providing comprehensive, state of the art breast surgical plans and therapies. They believe in the dignity of their patients and their families, and provide a support system that helps make the process easier. Through thoughtful communication and education, Dr. Rimmer and his staff become their patients’ health care advocates.

About Mastectomy

Today, the majority of breast cancer patients require some sort of surgery to remove the cancer, the most common being a mastectomy, followed by radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

A mastectomy is conducted under general anesthesia, meaning you'll be unconscious during the surgery. During the mastectomy John A.P. Rimmer, M.D., a top rated mastectomy specialist near Boca Raton, Florida removes the breast tissue and in some cases the areola, nipple, and the chest muscle lining may also be removed. Radiation therapy may follow if the tumor is over 5 centimeters in size or if muscle, skin, or multiple lymph nodes are associated.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery

After a mastectomy, breast reconstruction surgery is often performed to restore the shape and appearance of the breast that was removed. This can be carried out at the time of the mastectomy or after. For women who choose to have the reconstruction done at the same time, surgeons often use a special skin and nipple sparing procedure during the mastectomy, which saves some of the skin of the breast, which helps form the reconstructed breast. Doctor Rimmer, top rated mastectomy specialist near Boca Raton, Florida makes it a point to educate his breast cancer patients regarding all available treatments and reconstruction options, and to always be available to discuss their concerns, and answer all their questions; it's his mission to be their breast health care advocate throughout their lifetimes. Contact Dr. Rimmer's office today to learn more about all the treatment options he provides.