When looking for a Mastectomy specialist near West Palm Beach, Florida, offering compassionate care and advanced breast technologies, residents turn to John A. P. Rimmer M.D. P.A. Dealing with breast cancer can be a devastating and unsettling experience, which is why it's so important to choose a surgeon that specializes in breast health care. Dr. Rimmer is that doctor and he uses all available state of the art diagnostic resources, including advanced imaging, to evaluate breast cancer. Together, you and Doctor Rimmer will establish a comprehensive breast cancer treatment strategy that you're comfortable with. The good news is that, if it is caught early, most women who have a mastectomy will go on to live happy, full lives.

Mastectomy Information

A mastectomy is a surgical procedure in which all or only a portion of a breast is removed as a treatment plan to fight breast cancer. Surgical treatment for breast cancer is usually divided into two categories: mastectomy or breast conserving therapy (BCT). BCT entails extracting the least amount of breast tissue when removing the breast cancer and typically includes additional therapies after the surgery; usually radiation therapy. Dr. Rimmer, the leading Mastectomy specialist near West Palm Beach, Florida will work with you to come up with the most effective treatment option for you, which may include one of the following.

A total mastectomy removes the nipple and all of the breast tissue. In a modified radical mastectomy the breast and the majority of the lymph nodes (under the arm) are removed. A lumpectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the tumor and just a small amount of normal tissue that surrounds it. Which surgery treatment you'll need is dependent on the stage of the cancer, the breast size, the size of the tumor and whether or not the lymph nodes are involved. A growing number of women are choosing to have breast reconstruction to rebuild the breast following a mastectomy. In some cases, individuals choose to have a mastectomy to prevent breast cancer; this is typically only the case with high-risk patients who have a family history of the disease.

Dr. Rimmer, highly skilled mastectomy specialist near West Palm Beach, Florida, doesn't just offer advanced technology; he also offers compassionate care. He understands how a breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming and he'll be there to answer all your questions and concerns throughout the process. Call (561) 748-1242 today to schedule a consultation and to find out more about his comprehensive breast health services.